Research Team

Principal Investigator

Nuno Roma is an Associate Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC) at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon (ULisboa) – Portugal.

He is also a senior researcher at Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores – Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa (INESC-ID), being a member of the High-Performance Computing Architectures and Systems (HPCAS) research area.

His research is mainly focused on the development and implementation of specialized computer architectures for digital signal processing, High-Performance Computing (HPC) platforms, including parallel processing, embedded systems design, and multimedia systems (image and video coding).

Nuno Roma is a Senior Member of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society and of ACM.

Senior Researchers


Pedro Tomás

Nuno Neves

Leonel Sousa

Ricardo Chaves

Aleksandar Ilic

João Bispo

Nuno Paulino

Gabriel Falcão

PhD Students

Ana Beatriz Fernandes

João Vieira

Luís Crespo

MSc Students

Alexandre Correia

Ana Sofia Silveira

André Costa Lima

Gonçalo Midões

Guilherme Dias

João Baptista

João Maia

Manuel Cerqueira da Silva

Tiago Rocha

Xavier Fernandes